If your organisation does not currently have a managed print service in place, there’s a good chance that it’s missing out on the potential cost-saving and efficiency-boosting benefits that partnering with a Managed Print Service (MPS) could bring.
While a managed print service may not be for every business, there are a few tell-tale signs that your business would benefit from one. As experts on printing, IT networks and office efficiency, Carden Managed Print are best placed to implement a managed print environment. We have compiled a list of the five most common signs that your business needs a managed print service.
1. You’re Worried by Excessive or Rising Costs
Are your printing costs spiralling? Printing can be one of the biggest financial waste factors in modern business. Ink, toner, paper and even electricity all have to be considered, and their costs quickly add up. If items like ink are being bought as and when by various departments, it is unlikely they are getting the best deal.
A Managed Print Service can help you to reduce wasted spend and bring your costs under control with fixed monthly costs.
2. You Don’t Know How Much You Print
In order to improve something, you first need to be able to see and understand it. Many businesses do not even know how much they are printing, or which projects and departments are utilising the most resources.
By connecting all your printers to a single managed network with advanced printing analytics tools, you can get a full picture of printing use and costs across your organisation. These data can then be used to better inform your printing policy and purchasing decisions.
3. You’re Constantly Low on Ink or Toner
If you’re constantly finding that your printers and photocopiers are low on ink or toner, it’s a clear sign that your printing use and procurement are out of step with each other.
With a managed print provider, automatic alerts are sent to us when your ink and toner below 25%. Replacements are sent out immediately, so they arrive just in time to replace yours. No more “LOW INK” alerts and no more wasted spend on unneeded ink.
Be proactive with your procurement and get exactly the supplies you need precisely when you need them with an MPS.
4. You Don’t Know How Secure Your Printing Network is
An old printer is a hacker’s best friend. Unsecure printers offer a perfect foothold into your wider IT network, putting you at risk of viruses, ransomware and data breaches.
A managed print service can give you peace of mind by helping you to secure your network from any attacks that originate from your printing network.
5. Printing Problems Are Wasting Your IT Department’s Time
Printing problems are a notorious time sink for IT departments, who should really be focused on more important things!
By handing over the management of your printing network to a managed print services provider, you free up your IT department to focus on more business-critical issues.
These are just a few of the signs that your organisation could benefit from a managed print service, but they are far from the only ones.
If you would like your business’s printing, photocopying, faxing or scanning brought into the 21st century, give Carden Managed Print a call and one of our team will be happy to help you develop a bespoke plan.